NSW Schools Sprint Championships PM (26/08/2023)
Категория: Competition
Карта/область: The Kings School
Организатор: Western Hills Orienteers
Страна: Australia
Длина пути: 3.73 km
Время: 15:38
Average HR: 175
Maximum HR: 186
Back seized up a fair bit between the morning and arvo unfortunately. Had a relatively strong start, but got confused around the mapping at number 11 (on the way to number 10). Tried to push up the hill to 14 but the speed wasn't there. Second map mostly went well, but made a complete hash of 20 (again the area where mapping felt very confusing and off) and 21 (just not paying attention and cut in too early). Lost 25-30s on these two alone. Fun day of sprints though!
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NSW Schools Sprint Championships PM (26/08/2023) NSW Schools Sprint Championships PM (26/08/2023)