Tio-tog/Team Pursuit (21.03.2013)
Kategori: Training
Kart/område: Facho
Land: Portugal
Disiplin: Mellomdistanse
Distanse: 4.74 km
Tid: 30:51
Gj.sn. HR: 155
Maksimum HR: 171

Natt, tio-tog trening. Jeg løp foran fra starten til 9, og fra 16 til 30. Jeg sprang bra men noen andre løpere bommet da det var deres tur.

Night team pursuit training. One runs first, and after some time, he switches to the back and the person who was second takes over with the navigation. I ran in front from the start to 9, and from 16 to 30. I ran well but some other runners made mistakes in their turn.

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Tio-tog/Team Pursuit (21.03.2013) Tio-tog/Team Pursuit (21.03.2013)