JWOC Middle Distance A Final (2012-07-12)
Categoría: Competition
Mapa/área: Izra
País: Slovakia
Disciplina: Middle Distance
Came 21st in the 2012 JWOC Middle Distance A Final. Had a fairly clean run but just not as fast as some of the top guys yet. (2) Rolled my ankle again so this slowed my pace a bit. (3) Stopped short as the control was hidden behind a tree (10 sec). (8) Hit a track bend and made a parallel error with the one level with the control, so I stayed too low for a while (30 sec). (9) Compass a bit far right so dropped a bit low (10 sec). (12) Climbed to the top of the hill which was a little bit unnecessary (10sec). (16) Almost ran past on the left (5 sec). Pretty stoked as I still have two more years at JWOC. Bring on 2013 Czech Republic!
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JWOC Middle Distance A Final (2012-07-12)